Complete Alphabetical Listing of Printable Documents and Resources Included on this CD
The Abuse of Tamar by Reverend Douglas Donley
Adolf Hitler: How Could a Monster Succeed in Blinding a Nation? by Alice Miller, Ph.D.
Aggression and Delinquency by Dr. Philip Greven
Aggressive Behaviour Outcomes for Young Children: Change in Parenting Environment Predicts Change in Behaviour by Eleanor M. Thomas
Battered Mothers’ Testimony Project: Human Rights Approach to Child Custody and Domestic Violence by the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Biting, Pushing, Pulling Hair Helping Children with Aggression by Patty Wipfler
Breaking the Devastating Link Between International Terrorism and Intimate Violence by Riane Eisler
A Commentary on Religious Issues in Family Violence produced by the Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence
Cyber Cafés A How-to Manual Including Designing a Web Site and Implementing an Online Peer Education Program by Alex Franka With Jessie Gilliam Edited by Sue Alford, MLS, Ammie Feijoo, MLS
Do Forgiveness and Justice Go Together? by Reverend Njongonkulu Ndungane
Domestic Abuse in Judaism by Rabbi Norman M. Cohen
Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith: An Information Packet produced by North Carolina Council for Women and Domestic Violence Commission
Do Not Look Down! by Belinda Martinez
Do Not Look Down! by Paula Sanders
Effective Intervention In Woman Battering and Child Maltreatment Cases: Guidelines for Policy and Practice recommendations from The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Family Violence Department
Ending Legalized Violence Against Children Global Report 2006, published by The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Every Girl Counts: Development, Justice and Gender a World Vision Girl Child Report
Faith-Based Responses to Domestic Violence by Chanté Lasco
Fathers are Primary Parents! by Patty Wipfler
Fiction and Fact -- Corporal Punishment in Schools (brochure) by Jordan Riak
From Coercive to Strength-Based Intervention: Responding to the Needs of Children in Pain by Larry K. Brendtro
Gender Mainstreaming: An Overview a report by the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women
Genital Cutting Shows Signs of Losing Favor in Africa in the NY Times
An Imam's Guide to Dealing with Domestic Violence in the West by Sound Vision Staff Writer
The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children: A critical review of progress made and obstacles encountered in
increasing protection for war-affected children by Graça Machel
The Influence of Corporal Punishment on Crime by Adah Maurer, Ph.D. and James S. Wallerstein
It's in Our Hands: Stop Violence Against Women full report by Amnesty International
Let’s Just Play by Janet Miller
Little Book of Peace produced by Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Making the Peace: An Approach to Preventing Relationship Violence Among Youth by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Media Violence and Children 2003-04 produced by Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment (TRUCE)
Men Against Gender Based Violence Regional Consultation by FEMNet
Mobilizing the Hip-Hop Generation by Jesse Alejandro Cottrell
The Nonviolent Christian Parent: Raising Children with Love, Limits and Wisdom By Teresa Whitehurst, Ph.D., Debbie Haskins and Al Crowell, MFT, 2004
Nonviolent Partnership Parenting and Teaching: Leaving Behind the Old Control Model by Thomas Gordon, Ph.D.
Off Balance: Youth, Race & Crime in the News by Lori Dorfman
An Open Letter to All Responsible Politicians by Alice Miller
Out of the Silence: Fighting Violence Against Women in Thailand a Report by the Office of the National Commission on Women's Affairs
Parenting Amid Threats of War by Patty Wipfler
Picturing a Life Free of Violence: Media and Communications Strategies to End Violence Against Women a collaboration between UNIFEM and the Media Materials Clearinghouse of the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Plain Talk Against Spanking published by Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education
Hablemos Francamente Sobre el Castigo Físico de los Niños Spanish Translation of Plain Talk Against Spanking. Published by Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education
Population Reports: Ending Violence Against Women published by the Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health in collaboration with the Center for Health and Gender Equity
Power of Partnership Study Guide and Chapter Excerpts by Riane Eisler
Poverty and Exclusion Among Urban Children produced by UNICEF
A Proclamation for Changing the Lives of Children reproduced by the Alliance for the Transformation of Children
Progress for Children 2004: A Child Survival Report Card published by UNICEF - also in Arabic, French and Spanish
Progress for Children 2005: A Report Card on Gender Parity and Primary Education published by UNICEF- also in French and Spanish
Progress of the World's Women 2002: Gender Equality and the Millenium Development Goals produced by UNICEF
Quantifying the Benefits of Breastfeeding: A Summary of the Evidence published by the Pan American Health Organization
Responding to Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Pastors and Rabbis produced by the Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence
Rethinking Domestic Violence: A Training Process for Community Activists by Dipak Naker & Lori Michau
Revisiting and Re-Envisioning Psalm's Fifty-One Sermon by Reverend Ronald A. Smith
Safe From the Start: Taking Action on Children Exposed to Violence produced by the Office of Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention
Safety Planning: Guidelines for Clergy Helping Battered Women adapted by Virginian's Against Domestic Violence
Slapping and spanking in childhood and its association with lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorders in a general population sample by Harriet L. MacMillan, Michael H. Boyle, Maria Y.-Y. Wong, Eric K. Duku, Jan E. Fleming, and Christine A. Walsh
Spare the Rod by Riane Eisler
The State of the World’s Children 2004 published by UNICEF
The State of the World's Children 2005: Childhood Under Threat published by UNICEF
The State of the World's Mothers 2002: Protecting Women and Children in War and Conflict published by Save the Children
The State of the World's Mothers 2004: Children Having Children published by Save the Children
State of the World's Mothers 2005: The Power and Promise of Girls' Education published by Save the Children
Stories of Meaningful Student Involvement by Adam Fletcher
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Sermon by Reverand Chris Buice
Talk with Your Kids About Violence from the National Campaign to Support Parents by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children
Teacher Training: Essential for School-Based Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Education: Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa by Tijuana A. James-Traore,William Finger, Claudia Daileader Ruland, and Stephanie Savariaud
Ten Things Men Can Do to Stop Gender Violence by Jackson Katz
Toolkit to End Violence Against Women from the National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women and the Violence Against Women Office
Trafficking in Persons Report 2004 published by the US State Department
Trafficking in Persons Report 2005 published by the US State Department
Turning Mourning Into Dancing: A Policy Statement on Healing Domestic Violence and Study Guide developed by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy, approved by the 2001 Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Understanding Women’s Attitudes Toward’s Wife Beating in Zimbabwe by Michelle Hindin, Published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2003, 81 (7)
Unspoken Crimes: Sexual Assault in Rural America by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Untitled Sermon by Pastor LaDonna Ekern
A Victim-centered Response to Sexual Assaults issued by the Idaho Ombudsman (2004)
Violence Against Women: From Silence to Empowerment published by World Vision International
What Communities of Faith Can Do To Make a Difference from the Toolkit to End Violence Against Women
Where Violence Begins sermon by Vic Jenkins
Wisdom of Ghandi Series -
Women and Religions: Advancing Gender Equity in a Globalized World the Chiang Mai Declaration (2004)
World Report on Violence and Health - WHO
Working with Young Men Who Batter: Current Strategies and New Directions by Dean Peacock and Emily Rothman
Youth and the State of the World published by Advocates for Youth