Gandhi Series: In-home Spiritual Study Groups Kit
Seven Week Course
How to use this kit:
All materials are in .pdf format except those marked with an * which are formatted in Word so that you can edit and insert your own information.
Set-up materials for the series
Time Line a schedule to help you in preparing the series
Newsletter article* announces the coming seven-week series (format into your newsletter)
In-Home Study Group Materials
Materials for each week
- Sunday bulletin* (Fill in with your own order of worship and contact information. Put in the series dates. Print on paper corresponding to the color of the week.)
- Affirmation card (print on colored 8 ½ x 11” card stock corresponding to the color of the week; cut the cards apart; insert one into each Sunday bulletin)
- Information sheet about the seven-week series* (Add your church name. If you will be holding an end of event gala, put its date, otherwise cut out the last sentence. Print it on Sunday bulletin-type paper. It is formatted with two on each sheet; cut them apart; insert them in the Sunday bulletins.
- In-home study guide questions with notes for discussion (Print out and give to facilitators and study group participants.)
- Sermon Transcriptions of the sermons given during the seven-week series at Unity of the Valley by Baine Palmer on October 3, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14th; and by Arun Gandhi on October 10th 1999.
Week One: Gandhi The Man
Week Two: Ahimsa, Nonviolence
Week Three: Satyagraha, Soul-Force
Week Four: Yield And Prevail
Week Five: Out Of The Ego Cage
Week Six: The Steady Mind
Week Seven: The Illumined Soul
*Formatted in Microsoft Word so that you can edit and insert your own information