Programs and Organizations of Interest to Teachers
Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children works to champion a culture of compassionate individuals, families, and communities who have fun with, learn from, and responsively and lovingly interact with children. We accomplish this by providing guidance about consciously conceiving, birthing, and nurturing children.
901 Preston Ave, Suite 400
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Tel: +1-206-666-4301 (voicemail or fax)
The Association for Pre- & Perinatal Psychology and Health is a forum for individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines interested in psychological dimensions of prenatal and perinatal experiences. Typically, this includes childbirth educators, birth assistants, doulas, midwives, obstetricians, nurses, social workers, perinatologists, pediatricians, psychologists, counselors, researchers, and teachers at all levels.
P.O. Box 1398, Forestville, CA 95436
Tel: +1-707-887-2838
Breakthrough is an international non-profit organization that uses education and popular culture to promote public awareness and dialogue about human rights and social justice. Encouragement for individuals and communities to get involved in promoting social harmony and building a culture of human rights.
C3/15 Safdarjung Dev't Area
New Delhi 110016
Tel: +91-11-2696-7040
Fax: +91-11-2696-7039
United States
34-36 85th Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372 USA
Tel: +1-718-457-4300
Fax: +1-718-457-4307
Email: [email protected]
Cafe Progressive is a progressive launchpad and a thriving independent and alternative community of progressive resources and ideas for teachers and educators, political activists, multicultural students and citizens.
Child Development Media was established to bring parents, educators and others in the field high quality materials to enrich, enhance, and strengthen education and training.
5632 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 286
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Fax: +1818-989-7826
Email: [email protected]
Children Now uses resources and mass communications to make the well-being of children a top priority in the US.
1212 Broadway, 5th Floor
Oakland CA 94612
Tel: +1-510-763-2444
Fax: +1-510-763-1974
Email: [email protected]
The Child Trauma Academy mission is to help improve the lives of traumatized and maltreated children and their families. CTA works to improve the systems that educate, nurture, protect and enrich these children. CTA believes the most effective approach to systemic change is one that involves defining specific problems, and developing innovative, measurable, and replicable solutions -- within clinical practice, program development and public policy.
The ChildTrauma Academy
5161 San Felipe Suite 320
Houston, Texas 77056
Tel: +1-281-932-1375
Email: [email protected]
Child Welfare League of America is the oldest and largest membership-based child welfare organization in the U.S. They are committed to engaging people everywhere in promoting the well-being of children, youth, and their families, and protecting every child from harm.
440 First Street, NW, Third Floor
Washington, DC 20001-2085
Tel: +1-202-638-2952
Fax: +1-202-638-4004
Common Ground is a center for inquiry, study, and dialogue. Our primary concern is the human quest for understanding and the human pursuit of significance. While our endeavor began with the study of world religions and the commitment to inter-faith dialogue, our range of program offerings has been greatly expanded over the past several years.
815 Rosemary Terrace
Deerfield, IL 60015
Tel: +1-847-940-7870
Email: [email protected]
EarthSave International leads a global movement of people from all walks of life who are taking concrete steps to promote healthy and life-sustaining food choices.
PO Box 96
New York, NY 10108
Tel: +1-718-459-7503
Fax: +1-718-228-2491 (fax)
Email: [email protected]
End Violence Against Women Information and Resources is a website developed by the staff of the Center for Communication Programs (CCP) as part of its ongoing effort to collect and share documentation and communication materials produced in the worldwide struggle to end violence against women.
111 Market Place Suite 310, Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel: +1-410-659-6300
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://
The Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) since 1915 has carried on programs and educational projects concerned with domestic and international peace and justice, nonviolent alternatives to conflict, and the rights of conscience. A Nonviolent, Interfaith, tax exempt organization, The FOR promotes nonviolence and has members from many religious and ethnic traditions. It is a part of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), which has affiliates in over 40 countries.
P.O. Box 271, Nyack, NY 10960
Tel: +1-845-358-4601
Fax: +1-845-358-4924
Email: [email protected]
The Foundation for Human Enrichment provides individuals, families, and communities with effective ''self-help'' tools for healing trauma. We recognize the relationship between trauma and the ignition of violence and war. Our goal is to help end this destructive cycle.
P.O. Box 1872 Lyons, CO 80540
Tel: +1-303-823-9524
Fax: +1-303-823-9520
Email: [email protected]
Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence annually January 30 - April 4 is a national 64-day educational, media, and grassroots campaign dedicated to demonstrating that nonviolence is a powerful way to heal, transform, and empower our lives and our communities. Inspired by the 50th and 30th memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this international event honors their vision for an empowered, nonviolent world.
Barbara Fields Bernstein, Project Coordinator
Association for Global New Thought
1815 Garden Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: +1-805-563-7343
Fax: +1-805-563-7344
Generation Five is a non-profit organization that brings together diverse community leaders working to end child sexual abuse within five generations. Our programs provide leadership training to community members, activists and agency professionals and foster national strategy and information exchange on child sexual abuse. We are not a direct service organization; rather, we work in collaboration with service providers to ensure that affordable, culturally relevant support is available to survivors, offenders, and affected families.
Generation Five
2 Massasoit Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: +1-415-285-6658
Email: [email protected]
The Good Toy Group works to unite the finest independent toy stores in America in a co-operative venture to market creative, culturally sensitive, constructive playthings that promote happy, healthy childhoods. A collective of 58 unique toy retailers with 86 locations from Alaska to Massachusetts, each tailored to suit the community it serves, each punctuated by the particular personality of a hands-on, kid-wise shopkeeper.
The Good Toy Group
43 Hidden Bay Drive
S. Dartmouth, MA 02748
Tel: +1-508-979-5550
Email: [email protected]
Gordon Training International (GTI) is a human relations training organization. GTI was founded in 1962 by Dr. Thomas Gordon, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who pioneered a model for effective relationships in the workplace, family and schools. Training, products and services to help people around the world improve all their relationships using the Gordon Model.
Gordon Training International
531 Stevens Avenue West
Solana Beach, CA 92075-2093
Tel: +1-858-481-8121
Email: [email protected]
Honor the Earth is a national foundation and advocacy organization that supports front line Native environmental work. Their mission is to increase funding and public support for Native communities protecting the Earth we all share. Honor the Earth uses music, the media and the arts to accomplish this mission. Honor the Earth concert tours have featured the Grammy Award winning Indigo Girls and Native artists and have raised nearly half a million dollars and significant political resources for Native environmental groups.
2104 Stevens Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Tel: +1-612-879-7529
Email: [email protected]
Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world. They stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring offenders to justice. They investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable, challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law.
New York
350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor
New York, NY 10118-3299 USA
Tel: +1-212-290-4700
Fax: +1-212-736-1300
Email: [email protected]
The Hunger Project is a strategic organization and global movement committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, they empower local people to create lasting society-wide progress in health, education, nutrition and family incomes by applying a two-prong strategy: mobilizing grassroots self-reliant action, and mobilizing local leadership to clear away obstacles to enable grassroots action to succeed. Their highest priority is the empowerment of women.
15 East 26th Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel: +1-212-251-9100
Fax: +1-212-532-9785
Email: [email protected]
Indigenous Womens Network was created in 1985 to support the self-determination of Indigenous women, families, communities, and Nations in the Americas and the Pacific Basin. In the process of promoting self-determination, IWN supports public education and advocacy for the revitalization of our languages and culture, elimination of all forms of oppression, the attainment of self-sufficiency, and the protection of Mother Earth for future generations.
Alma De Mujer
13621 FM 2769
Austin, TX 78726
Tel: +1-512-258-3880
Fax: +1-512-258-1858
Email: [email protected]
The Institute for Community Peace offers a variety of tools and resources for practitioners and trainers. ICP’s work is grounded in research and reflects the real work of communities actively creating and sustaining primary violence prevention.
1522 K. St. NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: +1-202-393-7731
Fax: +1-202-393-4148
Email: [email protected]
The Institute for Healing of Memories is a trust which seeks to contribute to the healing journey of individuals, communities and nations. We offer Healing of Memories activities, such as workshops, seminars, talks and sermons. We are also developing models for dealing with emotions such as anger, hatred and guilt, and processes for reconciliation and forgiveness and an experiential way of learning about and from the past.
2 Lente Rd
Sybrand Park, 7700
Cape Town, South Africa
Tel: +27 21 696 4230
Fax: +27 21 697 4773
Email: [email protected]
The Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs objectives are to generate and stimulate research and to encourage exchange and cooperative relations among persons engaged in the scientific study of Muslim minority communities. Persons sharing these objectives and concerns are eligible for membership in the Institute. Membership benefits include annual subscription to the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, reduced rates for books and monographs published under the IMMA Book Series, and information on seminars and conferences sponsored by IMMA.
46 Goodge Street
London W1T 4LU, U.K.
Email: [email protected]
The Jane Goodall Institute advances the power of individuals to take informed and compassionate action to improve the environment of all living things.
8700 Georgia Ave, Suite 500
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel: +1-240-645-4000
The King Center was established in 1968 by Coretta Scott King, as the official, living memorial dedicated to the advancement of the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., leader of America’s greatest nonviolent movement for justice, equality and peace.
The King Center
449 Auburn Avenue, NE
Atlanta, GA 30312
Tel: +1-404-526-8900
Email: [email protected]
Learning to Give K-12 works to teach the importance of voluntary action for the common good in a democratic society. Provides guidance on teaching democratic and philanthropic principles to children, and about systems for passing on the tradition of private citizens working for the common good.
630 Harvey Street
Muskegon, MI 49442-2398
Tel: +1-231-767-3100
Fax: +1-231-773-0707
Email: [email protected]
The Lion & Lamb Project works to stop the marketing of violence to children. They do this by helping parents, industry and government officials recognize that violence is not child’s play and by galvanizing concerned adults to take action. They work with parents and other concerned adults to reduce the demand for violent "entertainment" products, and with industry and government to reduce the supply of such products.
4300 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 104
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Tel: +1-301-654-3091
Email: [email protected]
Media Education Foundation produces and distributes video documentaries to encourage critical thinking and debate about the relationship between media ownership, commercial media content, and the democratic demand for free flows of information, diverse representations of ideas and people, and informed citizen participation.
Media Education Foundation
60 Masonic Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
Tel: +1-413-584-8500
Fax: +1-413-586-8398
Email: [email protected]
Media Watch works challenge abusive stereotypes and other biased images commonly found in the media. Beginning in 1984 the organization distributes educational videos, media literacy information and newsletters to help create more informed consumers of the mass media. They do not believe in any form of censorship, especially the silencing of marginalized groups. They believe education will help create a more active citizenry who will take action against commercial media pap.
Media Watch
PO Box 618
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Tel: +1- 831-423-6355
Email: [email protected]
The Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Model is a gender violence, bullying, and school violence prevention approach that encourages young men and women from all socioeconomic, racial and ethnic backgrounds to take on leadership roles in their schools and communities.
Tel: +1-617-373-2665
Email: [email protected]
Milestones Project is a beautiful collection of images that shows children that other children from around the world are "just like them." A photographic tribute that shows our shared humanity. A million people diminishing hatred by one.
1350 Lawrence Street, Plaza H
Denver, Colorado 80204
Tel: +1-303-572-3333
Email: [email protected]
Mobility International USA works to empower people with disabilities around the world through international exchange and international development to achieve their human rights.
PO Box 10767
Eugene, Oregon USA 97440
Tel: (541) 343-1284 (Tel/TTY)
Fax: (541) 343-6812
The National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Disabilities seeks to improve the quality of education for African American children by raising the level of awareness in our communities about learning differences and promoting an understanding among parents, educators, and others of the culturally sensitive issues facing minority children with learning disabilities as defined by Federal law.
P.O. Box 09521
Columbus, Ohio 43209
Tel: +1-614-237-6021
Email: [email protected]
The National Latino Children's Institute is the only national Latino organization that focuses exclusively on children. NLCI conducts focus groups and public forums to gather information about policies and programs affecting Latino children.
1325 N. Flores Street, Suite 114
San Antonio, Texas 78212
Tel: +1-210-228-9997
Fax: +1-210-228-9972
Email: [email protected]
The National Parenting Association believes that helping parents helps kids. The organization was founded by author-activist Sylvia Ann Hewlett to give parents a greater voice in the public arena. Their goal is to build a parents' movement that unites mothers and fathers across the country. Working together we can create a society that values parenting, benefits children and strengthens America.
1841 Broadway, Room 808
New York, NY 10023
Tel: +1-212-315-2333
Email: [email protected]
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center offers lessons and reflections on the struggle for freedom in the past, in the present, and for the future. And it helps visitors discover the power of one voice - shared with many - by speaking out about the meaning of freedom.
50 East Freedom Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Tel: +1-513-333-7500
The Natural Child Project is a web site providing articles (by Alice Miller and other experts), links and children’s art in support of their vision of "a world in which all children are treated with dignity, respect, understanding, and compassion. In such a world, every child can grow into adulthood with a generous capacity for love and trust.
P.O. Box 3183
Sunriver, OR 97707
Tel: +1-541-593-1547
Email: [email protected]
Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education Project No Spank offers information to professionals in the healthcare and educational fields and to parents and other childcare providers by means of the Web site and printed literature. With use, these can help lead the way to a healthier and more peaceful society governed by the principles of nonviolence-based interactions for all.
P.O. Box 1033
Alamo, CA 94507-7033
Tel: +1-925-831-1661
Email: [email protected]
Parents Leadership Institute helps parents acquire the skills they need to build and rebuild close connections with their children. We also encourage parents to build close connections with other parents, so they are able to learn and share with others, and work together to build a healthier community.
P.O. Box 1279
Palo Alto, CA 94302
Tel: +1-650-322-5323
Fax: +1-650-322-5179
The People's Decade of Human Rights Education (PDHRE-International) founded in 1988, is a non-profit, international service organization that works directly and indirectly with its network of affiliates - primarily women's and social justice organizations - to develop and advance pedagogies for human rights education relevant to people's daily lives in the context of their struggles for social and economic justice and democracy. PDHRE's members include experienced educators, human rights experts, United Nations officials, and world renowned advocates and activists who collaborate to conceive, initiate, facilitate, and service projects on education in human rights for social and economic transformation.
526 West 111th Street
New York, NY 10025
Tel: +1-212-749-3156
Fax: +1-212.666-6325
Email: [email protected]
People’s Institute for Development and Training, or PIDT is a citizen intervention for changing social order through processes of transformation towards a just, equitable and sustainable world order. The acronym " PIDT " stands for "oppressed' in Hindi. In all PIDT programmes, empowerment of the oppressed remains the subliminal objective. Empowerment of women, receives focus and attention in all programmes and activities.
People's House
A-12 Paryavaran Complex
Saket-Maidangarhi road
New Delhi - 110 030
Tel: 91-11-2532408 / 29531282 / 29531296
Email: [email protected]
Prevent Child Abuse America works at the national, state and community levels to prevent child abuse in all its forms. Our many state and local prevention programs help spread the word in your community, creating awareness that prevention is possible.
200 S. Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604-2404
Tel: 312-663-3520
Fax: 312-939-8962
E-mail: [email protected]
Progressive Teachers: Linking Literacy to Social Justice is a coalition of individuals, interest groups, and caucuses who feel that language, writing, and literacy are inseparable from issues of social justice and public policy.
Refuse & Resist (New York, NY) - A national youth activist network organizing around a range of issues, including Mumia Abu-Jamal's incarceration, reproductive freedom, immigrant rights, privacy and police brutality.
305 Madison Ave., Suite 1166
New York, NY 10165
Tel: +1-212-713-5657
Email: [email protected]
Re-evaluation Counseling is a process whereby people of all ages and of all backgrounds can learn how to exchange effective help with each other in order to free themselves from the effects of past distress experiences.
719 Second Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98109
Tel: +1-206-284-0311
Fax: +1-206-284-8429
Email: [email protected]
Search Institute is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. To accomplish this mission, the institute generates and communicates new knowledge, and brings together community, state, and national leaders.
The Banks Building
615 First Avenue NE,
Suite 125
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Tel: +1- 612-376-8955
Fax: +1-612-376-8956
Email: [email protected]
A Season for Nonviolence January 30 - April 4, is a national 64-day educational, media, and grassroots campaign dedicated to demonstrating that nonviolence is a powerful way to heal, transform, and empower our lives and our communities. Inspired by the 50th and 30th memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this international event honors their vision for an empowered, nonviolent world.
Barbara Fields Bernstein, Project Coordinator
Association for Global New Thought
1815 Garden Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: +1-805-563-7343
Fax: +1-805-563-7344
Seattle Young People's Project is a youth-led youth empowerment organization set up to provide young people with a voice to effect social change.
2820 East Cherry Street
Seattle, Washington 98122
Tel: +1-206-860-9606
Email: [email protected]
Stand for Children is a grassroots member driven organization of parents and other allies working locally and connected nationally on behalf of children throughout the United States.
516 SE Morrison Street
Portland, Oregon 97214
Tel: +1-503-235-2305
Email: [email protected]
Staying Alive began in 1998 as an Emmy award-winning documentary profiling the lives of six young people from around the world infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Growing from the tradition of annual documentaries, Staying Alive has expanded to include a multi-tiered campaign to promote awareness about and prevention of HIV/AIDS in the international youth community.
Email: [email protected]
Talking with Kids About Tough Issues is a national initiative by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation to encourage parents to talk with their children earlier and more often about tough issues like sex, HIV/AIDS, violence, alcohol, and drug abuse.
Email: [email protected]
Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment (TRUCE) is an organization of early childhood professionals that works to promote a positive play environment for children. They share a concern about how children's entertainment and toys affect behavior and learning. TRUCE produces written materials, such as the Toy Action Guide and Media Violence and Children: A Call to Action.
PO Box 441261
Somerville, MA 02144
Email: [email protected]
Website: is a web project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a principal online destination for people interested in dismantling bigotry and creating, in hate's stead, communities that value diversity. Through its online resources and ideas, its collection of print materials, its outreach efforts, and its downloadable public service announcements promotes and supports anti-bias activism in every venue of American life.
c/o The Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36104
Tel: +1-334-956-8200
Fax: +1-334-956-8488
Troubadour Foundation for Child Honoring aims to educate businesses, governments and other organizations about the universal needs of children in their formative early years; to provide resources to help develop best practices in meeting those needs both in Canada and globally, to join with individuals and organizations with similar missions and engaged in child-honouring initiatives, and particularly to use the inspirational power of song, and to provide information and resources to governments regarding the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
610 Fernhill Road
S-3, C-40
Mayne Island, BC
Tel: 250-539-3588
Fax: 250-539-3589
UNICEF Voices of Youth offers children and adolescents, including the hard-to-reach, a safe and supportive global cyberspace within which they can explore, discuss and partner on issues related to human rights and social change. It works to develop their awareness, leadership, community building, and critical thinking skills through active and substantive participation with their peers and with decision makers globally.
Voices of Youth
3 United Nations Plaza
New York City, New York 10017
Tel: +1-212-326-7000
Email: [email protected]
The University of Peace was established as a Treaty Organization with its own Charter in an International Agreement adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The mission is "to provide humanity with an international institution of higher education for peace and with the aim of promoting among all human beings the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation among peoples and to help lessen obstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations."
PO Box 138-6100
San Jose, Costa Rica
Tel: +506 205 9000
Fax: +506 249 1929
Email: [email protected]
V-Day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop worldwide violence against women and girls including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sexual slavery.
Email: [email protected]
Women for Women International was founded in 1993 to help women overcome the horrors of war and civil strife in ways that can help them rebuild their lives, families, and communities. Women for Women International’s tiered program begins with direct financial and emotional support; fosters awareness and understanding of women’s rights; offers vocational skills training; and provides access to income-generation support and microcredit loans that together can help women restart their lives in ways that are independent, productive, and secure.
1850 'M' Street NW
Suite 1090
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: +1-202-737-7705
Fax: +1-202-737-7709
Email: [email protected]
Women Peacemakers Program works to increase the empowerment of women through active nonviolence. This is accomplished through an annual international training for nonviolence trainers, regional consultations for women in conflict situations, gender and nonviolence trainings, workshops on using the media for peace, campaigns such as the annual May 24 International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament, and through the documentation of women's peace initiatives.
Spoorstraat 38
Alkmaar, 1815 BK
The Netherlands / Pays-Bas
Tel: +31 (0)72 512 3014
Fax: +31 (0)72 515 1102
Email: [email protected]
World Birth Forum works to bring the voices of leading women and children to the forefront of our global problem-solving dialogue. As a news magazine World Birth tackles the difficult issues; never leaving readers without a solution that is working somewhere in the world, and tell these stories from the perspective of powerful, leading women and bright, visionary children.
World Birth Forum
5935 NE Skidmore Street
Portland, OR 97218
Email: [email protected]
World Centers for Compassion for Children International is a non-profit organization founded by Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams. The organization's mission is to create a strong political voice for children in areas of stress due to war, hunger or social, economic, or political upheaval and to respond to their expressed needs materially and emotionally.
Knock Inverin
County Galway
Tel: 353 (0) 91 593304
Fax: 353 (0) 91 505816
Email: [email protected]
WorldPlay is a nonprofit corporation supported by a coalition of organizations whose main goal is to celebrate the creativity of children through the toys they invent. With toys as their focus, they hope to educate as many children as possible to various cultures, traditions, and lifestyles as seen through the eyes of their contemporaries. By emphasizing a graphical hands-on format, interactive learning will reach as many children as possible through traveling exhibits, how-to books, videos, CD-ROMs, and the World Wide Web.
Email: [email protected]
World Watch Institute offers a unique blend of interdisciplinary research, global focus, and accessible writing that has made it a leading source of information on the interactions among key environmental, social, and economic trends. Our work revolves around the transition to an environmentally sustainable and socially just societyand how to achieve it.
1776 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036-1904
Tel: +1-202.452.1999
Fax: +1-202-296-7365
Email: [email protected]
The Young & the Restless - Highlander Center offers the democratic space and the skills for youth aged 15-21 to find their own voices and leadership. The program works with young people in a number of ways, including extensive outreach, field visits, and ongoing backup to support youth activists in their communities; and an intensive, youth-led camp called Seeds of Fire that gathers 20-25 young activists and provides them with peer-based training and experiences that open up the concepts of youth power, critical thinking about organizing, and ownership of their own projects and organizations.
1959 Highlander Way
New Market, TN 37820
Tel: +1-865-933-3443
Fax: +1-865-933-3424
Email: [email protected]
Youth Action is a group of youth building power, demanding justice, and creating change. YouthAction's vision is to prepare the new wave of youth who are, and will continue to be, the lifeblood of community improvement efforts for the coming decades.
PO Box 12372
Albuquerque, NM 87195
Tel: +1-505-873-3345
Fax: +1-505-873-3245
Email:[email protected]
The Youth Activism Project (formerly the ACTIVISM 2000 PROJECT) was founded in 1992 as a private non-partisan organization to encourage young people to speak up and pursue lasting solutions to problems they care deeply about.
P.O. Box E
Kensington, MD 20895
Tel: +1-800-KID-POWER
Email: [email protected]!
YouthNet is a global program to improve reproductive health and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among people 10 to 24 years old. Supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development, YouthNet conducts research, disseminates information, improves services, and strengthens policies and programs related to the reproductive health and HIV/AIDS-prevention needs and rights of young people around the world.
Family Health International - YouthNet
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: +1-703-516-9779
Fax: +1-703-516-9781
Youth Speak works to build and nurture the next generation of leaders through the written and spoken word. Innovative programs nurture and develop the youth voice and promote positive social dialogue across boundaries of age, race, class, gender, culture, and sexual orientation. Throughout each facet of the organization, Youth Speak encourages active literacy, honest writing, and critical thought.
2169 Folsom Street, S-100
San Francisco, CA 94110
Email: [email protected]
Youth Struggling for Survival is a youth-driven and youth-directed social action group that aims to bring youth together along their common interest, and to help divert often violent energies toward self empowerment, social change, and unity.
Tel: +1-630 820-8717
Email: [email protected]
Zero to Three's mission is to promote the healthy development of our nation's infants and toddlers by supporting and strengthening families, communities, and those who work on their behalf. We are dedicated to advancing current knowledge; promoting beneficial policies and practices; communicating research and best practices to a wide variety of audiences; and providing training, technical assistance and leadership development.
National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
2000 M Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-638-1144